Digital omnipresence and data value creation

Transform your business with digital omnipresence and the power of data for an exceptional, personalized customer experience.

The digitalization of your organization and processes is already well underway. However, in our post-COVID-19 world, you need to strengthen your digital presence. One of the keys to doing that is the ability to identify, aggregate and leverage customer data quickly and easily.
Improve service quality by simplifying customer engagement

Rapidly deploy a CRM solution that provides a seamless view of your customers' interactions and their file status.

Make mass hyper-personalization operational

Deliver the most personalized customer service possible on an industrial scale with our powerful, partner-enabled solutions, which facilitate the creation of easily-activated customer repositories.

Refine and secure your technology choices

Make the best technological choices with our expert guidance, and be confident that you’re building the solution that best meets your individual needs.

Raise brand awareness and capitalize on market growth

Create an ergonomic website to attract prospects and quickly take full advantage of the market's dynamism.

Customizable offers

Contact Center

Managed Contact Center with Cisco

Develop top-notch, omnichannel customer relationships through a secure cloud-based contact center

  • Provide a prompt, consistent and high-touch customer experience
  • Drive operational excellence leveraging our intuitive, fully integrated desktop
  • Minimize costs and streamline processes with Orange as your one-stop shop

Some of our outstanding partners

Explore how our partners contribute to digital omnipresence and data-driven value creation.

salesforce logo
[Logo][SVG] Microsoft
[Logo][SVG] NICE
[Logo][SVG] Imagino
[Logo][SVG] Adobe Campaign

Our extensive expertise


decrease in contact handle time thanks to our Speech Analytics module


of calls outsourced while retaining control of software and data


technology providers in the customer experience field


data, customer relations, digital and AI experts within Orange Business